Vendor Registration for CalAPT Northern California Conference (Pre-Approval is Required)


Registrations are closed

Vendor Registration for CalAPT Northern California Conference (Pre-Approval is Required)

Thank you for supporting Play Therapy in California.  We are happy to have you as a vendor at our conference. 

  • $50 for ONE day PLUS one raffle donation
  • $75 for TWO days PLUS two raffle donations

All fees are non-refundable, as they are used to promote events. 

Details regarding conference schedule, set-up, and all other event-related information will be provided to you directly by our conference coordinators.  

Thank you for your contribution to this event!


Registrations are closed
Date & Time
Friday, August 25, 2023
Start - 8:30 AM (America/Los_Angeles)
Saturday, August 26, 2023
End - 4:30 PM (America/Los_Angeles) Add to Calendar

Rancho Cordova City Hall

2729 Prospect Park Dr
Rancho Cordova CA 95670
United States
--Rancho Cordova City Hall--
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California Association for Play Therapy

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