October 11, 2023 Annual CalAPT Networking Event at the APT International Conference


Registrations are closed

October 11, 2023 Annual CalAPT Networking Event at the APT International Conference

Event Description

Annual CalAPT Networking Event:

Whether you are attending the APT Internationational Conference or just in the neighborhood, join your fellow California play therapists for a fun evening!

We will meet in the lobby of the main hotel (Westin Rancho Mirage Restor & Spa) and head out to gather together from there.

*Detailed event information will be e-mailed to registrants within 24 hours of event.

Contact president@calplaytherapy.org with any event specific questions.

Please remember to visit us in the exhibitor hall during your breaks throughout the APT International Conference. We have loads of fun planned at the CalAPT booth! AND don't forget to drop off your business cards and/or flyers with employment, training, or other play therapy opportunities for CA play therapists to pick up as they stop by.


Registrations are closed
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
5:30 PM 7:30 PM (America/Los_Angeles) Add to Calendar

The Westin Rancho Mirage Resort & Spa

71333 Dinah Shore Dr.
Rancho Mirage 92270
United States
--The Westin Rancho Mirage Resort & Spa--
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California Association for Play Therapy


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